Just Curious

Whether you’re the proud parent of a wonderful and magical new arrival or just curious to learn more about your child’s personality (from newborn through the teens), wouldn’t it be great to have a reference source or guide that could detail, diagram and explain the in’s and out’s of their present and future behavior?

About Me

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Since 1966, Joe has dedicated his lifepath and purpose to his spiritual quest. In an energetic effort to share the keys of Numerology's vital self-transforming power. His greatest joy has been the opportunity to appear as a guest on various local radio "call-in" shows... it offered him a chance to answer caller questions by providing them a quick analysis of their personal character and life destiny. He has appeared on local TV and public access programming. His two newspaper columns on Numerology and The Hermetic Wisdom. During the past (35) years, Joe has divided his professional life between Numerology and the world of Corporate Credit Management. During the 90's through the sponsorship of the (ARE) Association For Research and Enlightenment. This is the organization founded by Edgar Cayce headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA Joe is living in Tucson, Arizona where he is available (online and in person) offering individual counseling and numerological/astrological chart. Joe maintains this independent counseling practice in Tucson. His first book for publication on Kindle is a guide to self-discovery.

Learn All About Your Child‘s Guidebook;

I’ve always said (kiddingly of course), wouldn’t it be great if each newborn came complete with an operating or owner’s manual that would outline and describe the child’s personality, character, temperament, life-potentials, future learning aptitudes and capabilities for this lifetime. Later in life I realized that’s exactly what the Ancient Teachings offer us through the sciences of Numerology and Astrology. It was then I began offering both parents and newborn mom’s & dad’s a composite Numerological and Astrological profile that provides them with a comprehensive look at their child’s temperament, habits, skills, talents, attitudes and future potentials vocationally. It’s important to remember that your child’s character and personality are a living synergy of its temperament and divine uniqueness.
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